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Stress Management | How Stress Management | For Stress Relief | How to Stress Management | Stress Management Techniques

 Stress Management 

Stress Management

What Is Stress?

We are going to discuss what actually stress is, and how to manage stress. First of all, what is stress? A state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your daily routine life, work, etc. Our environment is also involved in it. Our environment consists of two types. Internal environment and external environment. 

Internal Environment

Our internal environment consists of some fear like somebody having a fear to speak in front of people. If someone has to talk with two or three people, it could be difficult for him. Same as we have some opinions like if I have completed my MBA. After completing my MBA if I don’t get my job then it’s stressful condition for me. Similarly, some people are very perfectionists and they properly do everything. If according to them things or work is not up to the standard then it’s a stressful condition for them. If we have any disease then it contacts with our internal environment. It could create a stressful situation for us.

External Environment

Now we will discuss the external environment, like someone’s changing job, getting married, changing university or someone expiring, or an unpredictable event like it suddenly raining, someone being late from his job then his boss will angry, a lot of guests coming into the home, its nature of human we are came into stress because we are not ready for theses all happen.

Sometimes it could happen your boss is so strict, colleagues are not cooperating, and conflict between friends, or it could be a financial crisis. These all changes are related to an internal or external environment known as stressors, our body reacts to these stressors called stress.

Types Of Stress

Stress comes in two different ways. One is when stressors come into our body, then our body reacts show react this reaction is called acquit stress. Like suddenly I heard someone caught in disease in the family. Then my body reacts in a certain way like my heart beats speed fast, feeling the sweat from my body and feeling tension. This acute reaction of any incident is called acquit stress. But if don’t control then it is called chronic stress. Chronic stress consists of my physical issues. If this kind of stress caught your body for a long time then it could be diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, headache, or sleeping problems. Create depression or anxiety problems.

Stress Managment
Stress Management

Stress is not a disease

Actually, there is a change in our body’s reaction called stress. Stress is not a disease. Stress in our life for a short period is good but not for a long period because without stress we cannot be motivated.

If my exam is near then I will study more to have stress for a bright future. If I am doing a job somewhere then my punctuality could play an important part in my life but punctuality comes with stress. If this stress causes our low performance and with this, we feel physical illness then it will distress, it indicates us we are going to disease.

How To Manage Stress

We have to teach how to manage our stress. It happens something in our daily routine in our environment. Then our body has to react in a certain way. So, we cannot eradicate environmental changes. We can learn how to handle stress in a good way.

For the purpose of stress management, I want to describe something about how to manage stress. If we will apply it in our daily life then it could better our stress management. Stress management consists of a 4A strategy. These things are related to change in yourself to overcome your stress. For example, if you are a jobholder then it should be reached on time in your office otherwise your boos will create problems for you if he is a strict person. If your exam is near then you should divide your syllabus to overcome your stress. Simply do something to manage all things which decrease your stress. After it is something you have to avoid. For example debate on a political topic, both sides start arguments than cannot satisfy the other parties. Arguments don’t give you any results. In the end could be abused each other, fight, or dispute. So, something is better to avoid because you don’t need it and it increases your stress level.

Say NO

Similarly on some occasions if we say NO then it could save us from stress. For example, your exam is near and you have a lot of assignment in this way your friend tell you to please work on your assignment then it’s very difficult to handle it. Now you should say No, otherwise it will create stress for you.

Adopt/Accept New Things

Sometimes you should adopt new things. For example, your job starts in a new area and where everything is changed so in this way you have to adapt to new things according to the environment. Similarly, sometimes you have to accept something. If you don’t accept then it could increase your stress. If someone is so hard and strict person and you have to do work with him or her then you should make up your mind it's ok, he or she is so strict and I have to do work with him so in this way, you make your mind that he or she is so strict and you have not used more your mental power in this way your stress will not increase.

Most Important Factors

If you will not sleep properly then your stress will increase. Without sleep, it is a sign to your journey going to stress because if you don’t sleep then you will think about unnecessary things. You should take 6-8 hours of proper sleep so you should make a proper schedule for it. Sleep should take in at night and can’t replace in the daytime.

How to Relieve Stress Quickly
How to Relieve Stress Quickly

After it, you should take care of your proper food. You should drink more water. Use of fruits and vegetables.

Exercise helps to overcome stress. You can freshen yourself for more time and you can perform your activities in a better way. You should do 30 minutes of daily exercise. If you are addicted then you should take care of them. You can share with others in this way to decrease your stress.

There is a mindfulness technique, normally stress come from our past events.


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